Saturday, 2 August 2014

Time for a total blog makeover!

Well hello there to those who follow this blog :)

I have been absent for quite some time now...and I've really missed coming here, but I had my reasons for not updating this blog. After getting into the college of my dreams I panicked and decided doll collecting wasn't worth the time, effort and more importantly money...

Since then I grew really unhappy and I think I figured out that the reason for that was because I was denying a side of myself that was really important. I regret doing that now and I'm finally coming back into the doll collecting world! Even if it means re-doing my entire room and bringing down a load of dolls from the attic!

I won't be collecting as much as before, considering I haven't got the space to display as many as I'd like any more. From here on out I will be focusing on Monster High as my main collection (where the doll collecting really started!) And even in that area I will only be collecting the basics. So from today onwards this blog is under serious construction work...

Check back here sometime between now and October 2014 to see the new blog! :) Thanks for visiting!