
Here are a few other collections of dolls I have which I don't think need pages just yet. Although, if the collection gets bigger I will be making new pages!

Disney Store Merida doll from 'Brave':

Here's my new Merida doll :) I'm hoping to build up a Brave collection soon!

W.I.T.C.H dolls:

So far I only have two W.I.T.C.H dolls, they are both Cornelia's (one large 12" tall, one small 6" tall) I won them in an ebay auction for £2.99! BARGAIN!

My Cutie Mermaid:

These little guys have been my best friends for years! I had them when I was about 6 years old. Then my dad threw them all away. But I found a store that still sells them this year! There's three to collect, they light up and are removeable from the stand!

Magic Merbabies!!
(Page coming soon as I should be getting more of these) I've collected these guys as long as I can remember! But sad story...all mine were thrown away years ago. But now I'm slowly re-building the collection!

Me when I was younger with a few mermaid dolls at Christmas (notice the 'My Cutie Mermaids' along the bottom)

Disney Fairies Collection!

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